Every penny you spend affects the climate. Let your bank account tell you how climate-friendly you are. Connect with eID. Quick. Safe. Free.
Calculate the carbon footprint of your company or organization with our Carbon Intelligence System™ and get qualified support with reaching set climate targets.
We conduct our own research and collaborate with other researchers to learn more about sustainable lifestyles and develop smart, digital services that contribute to reducing emissions.
We are passionate about co-creating a sustainable future, and we do so by developing tools and services that help people, companies and organizations measure and reduce their emissions. By inspiring citizens to change, helping businesses transform, and supporting research about climate-friendly lifestyles, we contribute to creating a sustainable world for ourselves and future generations.
We are thrilled to announce that Svalna has received funding from the Swedish Energy Agency to work with Chalmers University of Technology and IVL on developing scenarios for Swedish consumption-based emissions. This project means a si...
Vi får ibland frågan varför vi inte erbjuder klimatkompensation, och kanske har du själv funderat på om du borde klimatkompensera dina utsläpp eller inte. Det är inte helt lätt att svara på, men här försöker vi att reda ut några av frå...
Interest in climate calculators has increased as the levels of carbon dioxide have risen around the world. In a new article David Andersson, researcher at the University of Gothenburg and one of the founders of the app Svalna, evaluate...
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